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Home - A walk around Walkaround - Tracks playlist (30") - Complete tracks playlist (restricted access) - Media - Biography - The other Artists - Details - Where you can find it - Reviews - Acknowledgements - Links - Contacts
Walkaround is a stroll, enjoyed on board a piano, along the simplest and deepest paths of existence, stopping in front of some small and seemingly insignificant things or people and, in turn, leading their own life. Just like the Paper Boat is going to be aware of its being but it will be obliged to face its overwhelming fate, or the Snowman that spends its last night before the merciless thawing in A Snowman’s Night, or the humble and down-to-earth figure of a popular person, who lived in poverty and at the same time in notoriety but in a world of his own (Marche Polle, see page Details).
The album records the darkest and deepest moments,such as the loss of love and the fading of feelings,in Heart Eclipse, Lost Love, Strangers Again, or celebrates its significance in (Almost) All About Us and No Distance, or sketches some moments of intimacy with Moonless and Subdued Lights. With Studio n. 1 it is directed, using simple melodic themes, to classical patterns.
The track Walkaround is less sorrowful in the emotional setting, actually quite upbeat. You could imagine it asahike in its own right, perhaps during an early autumn brand-new morning. But Fall, indeed, is not the end of the year: it is the real, essential, prelude for the recurring rebirth.
The second part of the album contains three tracks whose melodisms - that the conventional signature style of the first part got us used to - are blended with their opposite.
Lost Love is the best example; the melody in a minor key is flecked with the most profound sentiments described by the digital effects and by the electric guitar lament.
The two parts of Birth Of A Flower (In A Post-Atomic Landscape) - contained in Fleeting Steps - develop in a different conception. In the first part the piano speaks occasionally and in a minimalist way, anticipating the second one, wherein it becomes the protagonist.